WaveToGet Frequently Asked Questions


WaveToGet Personalized Rewards and Loyalty program makes the entire solution customized to your brand.  As part of the standard package, you will be able to have your customer register directly on your website as well as check their balance directly on your website.  The customers will experience the full value of your rewards and loyalty software with your exclusive brand.  Learn more by contact our marketing consultant team or calling 1-877-482-4678.

WaveToGet personalized loyalty and rewards program was created for all types of business in all types of industries.  It was designed for ease of use by people from all walks of life and all levels of technological experience.  Our mission was to deliver results with a simple tap of a card and a press of a button.  As part of our commitment to customer excellence, we offer free software demonstration to show how simple it is to use the WaveToGet program.  Book your demo today and you will be amazed at how simple it is to reach your business goals. 

Getting new customers through your personalized loyalty and rewards program is the first of the 3 main goals business owners are looking to achieve with WaveToGet.  Retention and reducing marketing costs are the 2nd and 3rd goals respectively. 

After interviewing and analyzing over 2300 small and medium businesses the most effective way to attract new customers to a place of business was by providing a customer with an effective Gift Card program. 

A properly presented, high-quality gift card is the ultimate marketing tool.  This means that the consumer will subconsciously think of the gift card any time they are thinking of products and services relevant to that gift card's value.   It is like telling someone to stop thinking about the Pink Elephant.  They just can't do it :).  

The unique value of an effective gift card program with WaveToGet is that the money is completely virtual.  This means there will be no investment into the card until the card's value is redeemed with your business.  

Learn more by contacting our qualified marketing consultant for your no-obligation consultation.

WaveToGet's business philosophy is to work with your unique budget in order to reach your unique goals.  50% of our plans are customizable to meet your budgetary specifications.  WaveToGet Loyalty and Rewards program is much more than a business tool.  It is a leading business revenue generator.  Once you are comfortable using WaveToGet's Loyalty Software you are sure to experience the same results as our existing customers of 530% average return on investment.  Learn more by contacting our marketing consultants today. 

Each loyalty smart card is developed to look like your personalized credit card.  Statistically speaking, any time a consumer has perceived value on the card in terms of dollars, points, rewards or others the first instinct is to go back to the place of business that initially gave them the offer.  In an event where they can no longer use the card, you may encourage your customers to pass the card to their friends friends and loved ones.  This will benefit your referral business and allow you to re-use the card, by which saving marketing costs.  Otherwise, you can collect the card from the customer and use it on a brand new customer!  The same card can be used infinite amount of times without sacrificing the data from the previously registered card holder!  Ask us how by contacting our consultant today.

Every business is unique.  Your loyalty software allows you to create a membership that is just as unique as you are.  The right Membership program for your business will be determined by a number of factors. 

Factor #1:

What are the criteria for the VIP membership card? 

Can anyone become a member by purchasing a VIP Card or are there qualifying actions that a customer must take to reach this level? 


Factor #2:

How much incentive do you want to give your customer for coming back to you over and over again?

Once you determine the answers to the two key factors, you will be able to construct a program that works for your business.  Contact us today to see how we can set the program to work perfectly with your business goals.  


For a sure-fire way to create the optimal VIP membership program with your WaveToGet Loyalty and Rewards software, contact us today.

Having clear and specific goals in mind when driving sales is vitally important. Understanding and analyzing your specific goals will help determine the steps to take towards their achievement.  This is the starting point to improve your sales figures with  WaveToGet Loyalty and Rewards program.  WaveToGet's loyalty software is custom designed to fit the needs of your business location(s). Regardless of your sales goals, we have the personized loyalty programs for your business to insure increase in sales figures. Contact us today to learn more. 

In order to get the best results out of a successful loyalty and rewards program for your business, you must have a clear goal of what it is that your business is looking to achieve.  Are you looking to use the Loyalty Software to keep your existing customers returning back more frequently?  Are you using the gift card program to bring new customers to your place of business?  Are you trying to sell more of your specific product line?  Whatever your goals are, we have you fully covered.  We offer your free marketing consultations to make sure that you can get the best solutions aligned with your goals.  We do not ask for your commitment until you are absolutely sure that WaveToGet offers you the best marketing tool in the industry. Get your free consultation today or call 1-877-482-4678

Once your WaveToGet Loyalty and Rewards Program is personalized with your unique business settings based on your business goals your customers can start collecting points immediately!


We show value to our customers in two steps.  Firstly, we provide you a free sample of your personalized loyalty and rewards card.  Secondly, we give you a free Virtual or In-Person Demo of how the software works to reach your business goals. Contact us today to get your personalized loyalty and rewards program started!  

There is a number of ways to effectively promote your personalized loyalty and rewards program in your business.  Our marketing consultants have experience in all business industries with the most effective marketing tools to help your business reach optimal results.  Simply reach out to our team and we would be glad to assess your industry, type of business and your specific business goals to ensure we meet and surpass your expectations.  Your personalized rewards and loyalty software will take care of the rest!

When you get started with your personalized rewards and loyalty program, a business account will be created for you on our website. Simply log into your account to access performance data on your WaveToGet's back office.  Scared or confused?  We are here for you. Contact our experts any time to get the help that you need.  We will teach you how to use your loyalty program effectively and with ease!

For many years, large corporations have used Gift Cards, Loyalty Cards, VIP Cards, and other card programs to enhance their sales revenue. Large/big-box stores, Telecommunication Companies, Corporate Franchises, and other corporations are some of the most avid users of these marketing strategies. 

The problem was that the small- to medium-size businesses were not able to participate in these marketing efforts because of the large initial investment costs.  Companies with 1-5 employees generally could not afford a personalized reward and loyalty program for their business.  They were unable to afford nor understand the technology.  Worst yet, they did not have a marketing team to teach them how to apply the right marketing methods to achieve immediate results.   

WaveToGet leveled the playing field by providing a cost-friendly, easy-to-use, loyalty and rewards program for small- to medium-size businesses.  We give your business access to the latest easy-to-learn technologies, the latest proven marketing strategies, and the back-up of our support staff every step of the way.  Our priority is to ensure your business goals are met!

All-and-all, if you are in an industry looking to acquire new customers, retain the loyalty of your existing customers, build start-up capital, create a VIP Club, reduce your marketing costs, and increase your customer value, WaveToGet's Rewards and Loyalty program is right for you.  Contact us today to learn more!

Every business should offer special promotions to continue engaging new and existing customers. WaveToGet's Loyalty and Rewards program gives the benefit of individual membership cards that remain with customers at all times.  As a result, your customer's e-mail and contact information is on the virtual cloud allowing your business to do additional marketing such as e-mail and text notifications. The promotions can also run on your individual websites to inform your customers to sign up to become a member of your business.

No matter what your business needs are, WaveToGet's loyalty and rewards software has got you covered. With over 2300 satisfied customers, we are here to meet your needs.  Contact us today to learn how we can take your business to the next level!

WaveToGet loyalty and rewards program is sure to provide your customers with countless valuable offers and savings. For every transaction completed in your business, your customers will accrue more points on their cards, which turn into more savings for them.  Any time your business gives more value than the original product and services the customers had paid for, you create loyalty.  Accumulating points, dollars or other perks results in that loyalty which saves you money on advertising and acquiring new customers.  With a quality loyalty and rewards program you have the best marketing tool for designed to cut your marketing costs.  Reach out to us today to learn how WaveToGet Personalized Rewards and Loyalty Program can make a difference for your business. 

State-of-the-art design; the versatility of functions to achieve any business goals; and the ability to recycle each card by re-registering it to a new user or converting it to a different function are some of the major differences from our competition.   We are the only company in North American who can set you up with your personalized rewards and loyalty program without breaking the bank!  We serve our customers from the pre-sale to the after-sale process and beyond.  Our customers are our family. 


WaveToGet's mission in the development of personalized Loyalty and Rewards Card Software is to ensure your business sees tangible results, therefore our design team, marketing consultant team, and technical support team are only a phone call or an e-mail away.  Contact us today to learn more.

WaveToGet personalized rewards and loyalty program is an easy-to-use loyalty software designed to adapt to any business.  This marketing solution is both cost effective and highly profitable for any small to medium size business.  The advantages of the software combined with the smart card chip technology are endless in helping your reach your business goals.  This loyalty and rewards program is an all-in-one solution that has you covered!  Contact us today to learn how we can help you reach your big business goals with minimal investments!

WaveToGet is simple for your customers to use. Your customers will tap their Cards on the card reader every time they complete a purchase at your location. Each tap will load an amount, predetermined by you, onto their card. The rewards points convert to monetary value which can be used in the future. Each cardholder also has an account at our website. They can simply log into our website to check the balance on their cards.

WaveToGet loyalty and rewards program is the ultimate versatile marketing tool.  This gift card, loyalty card, discount card, VIP membership card, etc. program can be anything your business needs it to be to reach your full marketing potential. 

We take it a step further by providing our business customers with a complete customization package for your loyalty and rewards campaign:

  • consultations and continuing support for your business
  • custom design for your gift card and/or loyalty card program to reflect your brand
  • card reader(s) connecting to your business computer
  • your personalized cloud database tracking customer rewards
  • online points tracking for your customers
  • online administrative summary report
  • and more...

If your business is serious about cutting marketing costs and substantially increasing revenue with a proven customer rewards software, we are here for you!  Contact us today to learn how WaveToGet personalized loyalty and rewards program can take your business to the next level.

Each customer may get notifications via email or text about any rewards your business has to offer.  The rewards can come to your customer by e-mail or SMS either manually or automatically based on a set rule.  For example, you can have it so that anyone who reaches 100 points gets a notification allowing them to receive a free gift at your place of business.  The possibilities are limitless.  This is why our marketing consultants are here to help.  Simply contact us or get your free quick  software demo  to learn how this portion of the loyalty and rewards software work. 

Increasing sales with the best marketing tool strategies is what WaveToGet's consultants do best.  The effectiveness of using the right marketing strategies for your personalized rewards and loyalty program comes from our understanding of your business and your business goals.  This allows us to create a custom, ever evolving, solution for your sales figure increase.  With a magnitude of top marketing tool strategies around the world available at your disposal WaveToGet personalized loyalty and rewards program will surely bring you the results that you desire.  Contact us for your free consultation to get the marketing advise that you deserve or submit your request and we would be happy to help you!

Your customers could collect loyalty points with every transaction.  You decide how many points each earned dollar is worth (E.g. $1.00 = 1 point).  With a change of loyalty program promotions the chip technology can easily track all of the Give-Away-Promotions that will run and allow customers to collect points and redeem savings sooner.  Learn more by getting a brief software demo today. 

WaveToGet loyalty software is developed to operate virtually or physically, with the connection to the gift/reward/loyalty card available at your disposal.  Whether it is an e-commerce purchase done from our website, or a virtual gift card that you wish to send your customers, we have you covered.  The paperless gift card program movement had started a number of years ago and is currently the leading sales item in any major retail organization.  Contact us today to learn how we can help your business keep up with times while keep well within your budget for your personalized loyalty and rewards program.